On Sunday, March, 5th, 2017
our club had the in-house competition for all Inter-club members. I was going to compete rope, both for an individual, and a duo my sister (Cherry). So for the first hour, we did our normal warm-up. Until after over-splits, we started to practice our throws, and catches (for those that had apparatus). Some people did a run-through with music. (Especially the little kids that did free because the directions changed). So, I practiced all my throws, and turns, and balances. When it was my turn, I think I did a pretty good job. Just that I didn’t catch this one mastery.
Sing’s notes:
Point your toes
Think about your knees and your hands
Good expression. SMILE! 🙂
Practice your worst movements
Visualize your routine in your head during your spare time
Be confident
Don’t step on the red line
Rose’s Adventure: https://roseadventure.wordpress.com/

Rhythmic Gymnastics In-House Competition
March 5th, 2017
The fifth day of March, meaning the In-House competition of ORGC. Today was supposed to be different, because everyone had to have their hair in a bun, and their costumes in their bad, and their apparatus ready.
I had two routines I was going to compete in. An individual hoop routine, and a duo rope routine with my twin sister, Rose. Our training and stretching time was normal, but we had only one hour of stretching. After over-splits, instead of doing lines to practice our balances and turns, we went ahead to prepare our routine for the competition. But we were only competing against the girls in our club. The judging part was simple. They got some coaches and a few advanced gymnasts that were in the National level to come be judges for our competition. There would be many prizes, for example:
Overall Champion
Best toes
Best turns and balances
Best dance lines and music ability
There was a lot more, but those were just a few. The parents started coming in to watch the competition, and Sing, the head coach, started the competition with the free routines. Then they had a small test, taking the girls that Olga, another coach trained. During the test, they would ask the girls to do a few technicals, from bridges to jumps.
Then it was finally my turn. I was really nervous, but got over it as soon as my music came on. I only almost dropped my throw, but caught it before it touched the ground, after taking a small step.
When everyone went, after my duo routine with Rose, the judges went to discuss who won and the prizes went to who, while Sing showed us how to walk in before the competition. She put music on and she used my music for my routine! I did have a feeling she would for some reason…
When the judges were done, they came back in after Olga went to get them, and I got overall for the individual and duo routine!!! I was really happy for that, and that made me more confident for the Kanata Cup that would come this Saturday. More info coming soon!!!
Cherry’s Adventures: https://cherryadventure.wordpress.com/?ref=spelling