MARKHAM, ON, February 2, 2018: Athletes compete in the 2018 Elite Canada in Rhythmic Gymnastics at the Markham Pan Am Centre in Markham, ON.
Elite Canada 2018
Feb 2 – 4, 2018 at Markham Pan Am Center, 16 main Street,Markham
We sent 13 gymnasts to the competition and won 2 gold, 2 silver and 1 bronze. Congratulations!
Trillium Cup 2018
Feb 23- 25, 2018 at Markham Pan Am Center, 16 main Street, Markham
We sent 25 gymnasts to the competition and won 18 gold, 8 silver , 6 bronze and 23 ribbons from 4th-8th. There were over 300 gymnasts attending this competition. Congratulations!
Kanata Cup 2018
March 10-11, 2018
We sent 4 teams ( National, Provincial, Inter-club and Special Olympics) to the competition and won varous medals listed below. We won Kanata Cup for Provincial Teams Award and Kanata Cup for Inter-Club Team Award. Congratulations!
National: 12 gold, 6 silver, 4 bronze and 5 ribbons(4-8th)
Provincial: 32 gold, 11 silver, 10 bronze and 14 ribbons(4-8th)
Inter-Club: 11 gold, 3 silver, 1 bronze and 1 ribbons(4-8th)
Special Olympics: 14 gold, 4 silver, 4 bronze and 8 ribbons(4-8th)
2018 Ontario Provincial Qualifier 1
RG First Provincial Qualifier, March 23-25 2018 at ABILITIES CENTRE55 Gordon St., Whitby
We sent a team to the competition and won 9 gold, 6 silver, 1 bronze and 25 ribbons (4-8th). Congratulations!
World Team Performance
on Thur. April 26 from 2:00pm-2:30pm
14 gymnasts from Ottawa RG Club and 12 gymnasts from Kanata RGC participated in the World Gymnaestrada presentation. The World Gymnaestrada choreographers came to Ashbury gym to teach a routine on Wed. April 25. The performance was at Ottawa City Hall, 110 Laurier Ave West. It was a beautiful location for our gymnasts to perform for 60 international guests from FIG meeting.The Mayor and City Councilors attended the event.
Thanks to all coaches, gymnasts and parents for your support !
2018 RG Canadian Championshiops
May 18-20 at Richmond, BC;
We sent 11 gymnasts to the competition and won 2 gold for groups ( novice group won Canadian Championship) and 4 ribbons (4-8th). Congratulations!
RG Second Provincial Qualifier
May 4-6 2018 at Markham Pan Am Centre 16 Main Street Unionville, Markham, ON: We sent a team to the competition and won 12 gold, 2 silver, 8 bronze and 20 ribbons (4-8th). There were 20 clubs (250+ gymnasts) attended the competition. Congratulations!
Koop Cup International
April 27-29 2018 at Markham Pan Am Center, 16 main Street, Markham: We sent 8 gymnasts to the competition and won 1 bronze and 15 ribbons (4-8th). There were 12 countries (400+ gymnasts) attended the competition. Congratulations!
Elite Ontario
April 14-15 2018 at ETOBICOKE: We sent a team to the competition and won 2 gold, 3 bronze and 8 ribbons (4-8th). Congratulations!
2018 Eastern Regional
April 20-22 2018 at Montreal: We sent 8 gymnasts to the competition and won 2 gold, 12 bronze and 7 ribbons (4-8th). Congratulations!
2018 RG Provincial Championships / RhythmFest
June 8-10, Etobicoke: We sent a team to the competition and won 24 gold, 6 silver, 2 bronze and 34 ribbons (4th-8th). The following gymnasts have won the 2018 Provincial Champion’s title. There were 20 clubs (250+ gymnasts) attended the competition. Congratulations !
Vlada ( L4A)
Jessie ( L5B)
Amina (L6A)
Vasilisa ( L6B)
Mimi (L6C)
L5 group: Hanna, Jessie, Leonda, Serena